Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Getting Serious...

I'm so GLAD the holidays are over. I tried to eat clean, but there was just too much room for error while out at gatherings with the family. Today we got back on track.

For Christmas, Jonny got me the Eat Clean Diet Recharged book which has recipes, but it also explains the hows and why's behind the Eat Clean Diet. I read the entire book in less than a day. I was just soaking it all in like a sponge. On FB I posted that I have a goal to lose another 35 pounds before going back to the doc at the end of march, and another 100 pounds total by next Christmas (with the exception of unless I get pregnant in the next year). Lofty, but attainable goals.

The book is teaching us about what combinations of foods to eat, and how to measure portion sizes to not overeat. Today, I had the following:

Breakfast: Cream of wheat (Starchy carb) with 2 hard boiled egg whites (protein)
Mid morning snack: apple (carb-fruit) with handful of pecans (healthy fat & protein)
Lunch: Tuna (protein) and leafy greens with carrots and mushrooms (carbs - veggies) tossed with a home made vinagerete of olive oil, honey, balsamic and red wine vinegar, all rolled up in a whole wheat wrap (carb).
Mid afternoon snack: protein smoothie with ground flax seed, pinto beans (carb OR protein - beans are both!)
Dinner: pork medallions with couscous and sauteed mushrooms, with a side of applesauce (weird, I know, but I got the recipe from the Clean Eating magazine, and OMG it was SO good! I would have never thought to have applesauce with pork - buuuut, it works!

So... now that the holidays are over, we'll have to see where I go from here. Jonny is on board with me and he's excited about this process as well. I am hoping to lose enough weight that i can actually shop at VS and NY&Co again.

I re-joined the YMCA today - and this time, I'm going to make it worthwhile. My company reimburses me for a gym membership if I prove that I went an average of 3 times per week, or 12 times a month. I cannot afford the gym membership otherwise, so that in itself is motivation to get my ass moving so I don't have to pay for it out of pocket.

Right now, I'm loading the ipod with some work out music so I can drag my butt in to the gym in the morning. Woo!

1 comment:

  1. Alrighty...I've become a follower of your blog because you're pretty much inspiring. You are doing so awesome!! On 1/1/12, Justin and I are starting Medifast, which is a program that my doctor recommended for me to avoid the pre-diabetic situation. It's going to be crazy hard..but I know the results will be worth it. So, I've decided to blog also.

    Have you heard of the book Made To Crave? It's a devotional about craving God instead of food, and putting food in the proper perspective in your life. I do the devotionals through Proverbs 31 Ministries online, and it came up in an email. I'm looking into it on Kindle (it's only $3.99) and thought that you might find it interesting as well!
